Minutes on August

1:45 AM

Do you believe in destiny? Yes. How often do you ask: Why am I here, doing this? Rarely, because I believe in destiny. We were born along with our own path of life. And that path was destined to meet. At one point. Definitely. Whether you realize the meeting or not. And if you give a little awareness, one meeting will lead you to another meetings, which can take you to places further away from where you came. The meetings will be stunted if you're not wise enough in facing the person and the thing you met. The meetings will be mature when you can learn from the things or the people that destined to meet you.

Just like me, that cosmic path brought me to the Library Science. Starting from meeting a tutor who suggested this study. Then I chose, take the test, and successfully accepted at the study. In this study I met more and more people from various backgrounds. Being in this course, took me to the wider world, learnt more things and met more people. Above all, I met the things I love: event organizing, event management, and artsy thingy. Slightly deviated from the title of the study, but if I wasn't ever be 'there', I'm not going to be 'here' today. And I believe I make a transformation, to the better of me.

Thanks for the valuable five years. The meetings would never end at any point. All stories will has its sequel. So, see you at another meeting to continue our stories. Let our paths unite us later.

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All photos are courtesy of Happy Huimassa, my partner in degree. :))

Cheers and Beer,

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