Art:1 : What an Ambitious Gallery

12:39 PM

From outside the gate, it looks like a typical office. When you set your foot past the security post, you would see a glass room, that is the front office, the Lobby. This room is quite interesting already, it has variety of colorful art objects, in some different shapes and materials; from books to a statue made from alumunium. On the left of the lobby you will see stairs, that is the entrance that would lead you to the office, artspace and new museums entrance door. From the first step on the stair, I've been stunned by a bright red installation with life-size statues in silver. What the!

After passing the stairs, you would find a large room surrounded by glasses, that's definitely the artspace. You'll see this room furnished with some white chairs and tables, also a bar table near to the stairs and elevator. And an information desk near to the entrance door. Behind that information desk, you'll find another door to enter the new museum.

The Artspace divide into three levels, level one, level two, and level three. every level has the access to the museum. The level two, a little similar in size to the level one, it's just a room without chairs and tables and the other things. But, this room is narrower compare to the room downstairs. It looks narrower because it has permanent barriers for the exhibition matter and this barriers definitely took spaces. In here there's a video room, the middle room is in a large portion on the level, and there's also a hallway in the left side. In the middle of the hallway you would see a blue line. This blue line is dividing the artspace and the museum on this level. Move forward to the level three, it looks more spacious because it does not use the bulkhead as on the level two. On this level, you'll find an outdoor medium large terrace, that could connect you to the museum.

Too bad I'm having less chance to visit the museum. Hope to go there again to visit the museum.

ART:1 overall is a very attractive, stunning, and charming gallery. From all parts of the ART:1 there are two places that comes to be my favorites. First, the 3rd floor patio, which I call the corridor that connects the artspace and the museum. This corridor is an open area, a medium-sized with four chairs from teak. Due to the position is in the third floor, so there's quite a lot of wind blows, and a captivating scenery, especially in the early afternoon. I imagine some sort of events to organize on that part, like a movie screening. With a screen and projector, a spread carpets, plus a couple of pillows. Seems would be really fun!
Second places that going to be favorite space is the space in front of the entrance floor of the Artspace. The yard is quite spacious with bright red installation that I had mentioned in the beginning. Also with a wide table and chairs are both made of wood. Its position is in the middle and flanked by three high-rise buildings around it, making this area so clement. Simply add a few more seats, this place would be a nice area to relax over a cup of tea.

Overall I really like this gallery. When their public relations asked me "What's the of lacks ART:1?". It's surely confused me. My answer might be the location and the access to get there. Because ART:1 is not located in the city center where the youth usually gathered. Plus the lack of public transport around the gallery. At the beginning I thought it would be good to have this kind of gallery in the middle of the city, which can be accessed by many people, so there will be more people enjoying the artworks or to learn to enjoy art scene. The Art scene in Jakarta sometimes is in the mall, trying to get closer the society I guess. But after the second thought, I think the art scene should not be centered in one place or area, it must be spread out in several areas. Maybe it's the time to make art enclaves in Jakarta, so the art will not centered only in central and south Jakarta, it is the time for the north area has its own art enclaves. Hopefully the growth of art enclaves here in Jakarta spreading, until each region has its own 'art center'.

ART:1 Gallery and the New Museum
Jl. Rajawali Selatan Raya no. 3
Gunung Sahari, Jakarta
Opening hours :
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 to 18:00
Sunday 10:00 to 16:00
Mondays and national holidays closed

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Cheers and Beer,

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